Your Impressions
The “Technophile”
Lindsey Rome
1. Which two examples of Webquests listed below are the best? Why?
The two best examples of the Webquests were Earthquake and Waves and Sounds. These two Webquests were the best because each of them used technology at its best. Each Webquest had many sources for finding information. They also had wonderful color schemes and great pictures used for visual examples.
2. Which two are the worst? Why?
The two worst Webquests were Foreign Country and Gorilla. These two Webquests did not met as many points of the suggested criteria for the technophile. Neither of these Webquests used its full potential to use the technology available.
3. What do best and worst mean to you?
To me, the word best means that out of all of the suggestions, it met all of the criteria that was set for the assignment. The word worst means that out of all of the suggestions, none of the criteria was met for the assignment.
Webquests | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Gorillas | The WebQuest had many websites for gaining information. The students were also given questions to help them think about the information that they should be looking for. | Although there were many websites to gain information, the websites did not provide stimulating examples. Manuy of the websites were text-based and uninviting. |
Shakespeare | The Shakespearen Webquest had many links to websites for information. It also had pictures beside each job title to better explain what each title was. | The colors of this Webquest were not very inviting. The colors were somewhat dull and unattractive. |
Earthquake | The color scheme of this Webquest was inviting. It also contained pictures that were fun and interesting to students. | Throughout the Webquest, the font and color of the text seem to change without explanation. It was sometimes difficult to read because of the change of text. |
Foreign Country | The Webquest was not inviting to the students and did not use Technology at its full potential. | This Webquest did not provide many visual examples. It did not have any websites to direct the students to further their information. |
Waves & Sounds | The color scheme of this Webquest fits best with the content of the Webquest. It also has many visuals to explain the content. The Webquest gives students many opportunitites to use technology at its best. | Although there are many exciting things for students, it may become boring for them. The students may begin to sense a pattern of the coursework and become bored. |
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