Thursday, February 16, 2012

Double Entry Journal #5

The difference between Media in Education and Media Literacy Education is that Media in Education is the use of media to entertain or instruct and Media Literacy Education is using media to teach a specific topic to students. 

The social bargain that is at the heart of Fair Use is cultural value.

Fair Use is more important today than ever before because it protects works for longer periods of time. "Creators face new challenges: licenses to incorporate copyrighted sources become more expensive and more difficult to obtain—and sometimes are simply unavailable." 

The two key questions that judges use to determine Fair Use are "Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original and was the material taken appropriate in kind and amount, considering the nature of the copyrighted work and of the use?"

If a teacher shows the movie The Lion King and asks her students to notice how the animals in the movie reflect racial stereotypes she is using Fair Use. As long as the teacher is not using the movie for personal gain and is using this to allow her students to have a better understanding of the content that she is trying to teach, she is using Fair Use.

Principle five, developing audiences for student work, best relates to the digital story that I created in class. This principle explains the way that students are expected to behave with as digital story makers. 

The determination of whether or not a person needs to request permission from the original creator in order to use copyrighted material in a multimedia project for a school related assignment relies on how the amount and length of the product being used.

I believe that educators should attempt to change the policies within their schools if they are not in line with the Fair Use doctrine. Fair Use can better help educators in furthering their students’ education.

The myth that surprised me the most about Fair Use is that Fair Use could get me sued. I have always been told by my educators that they are not aloud to use copyrighted materials within the classroom because of legal issues.

The digital story that I created falls under Fair Use. The reasoning for this is as long as the material that I have created is being used to help someone better educate himself or herself or someone else, it is Fair Use. As long as the person using my digital story does not have personal gain, it is Fair Use.

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