Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Double Entry Journal #11

1. What does the author mean when he says, "Learning doesn't work well when learners are forced to check their bodies at the school room door like guns in the old West."

When the author says "Learning doesn't work well when learners are forced to check their bodies at the school room door like guns in the old West", he means that students are not encouraged to learn by doing but that they are taught to learn by just listening. It is crucial for students to use real-world experiences and interactions with peers to advance their learning abilities. 

2. According to the author, what is the best way to acquire a large vocabulary?

According to the author, the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to "have experienced the "worlds" to which these words refer." (Gee, 2004)

3. What gives a word a specific meaning?

There are many different ways that words are given specific meanings. Words can gain meaning within the context that it is used and also by the experience that an individual may have witnessed dealing with a specific word. Almost all words have different meanings to different people.

4. What does the term "off the hook" mean in each of these sentences?

a. My sister broke up with her fiance, so I'm off the hook for buying her a wedding present.
It means that she does not have to complete the task of buying a wedding present.

b. Them shoes are off the hook dog.
It means that the shoes are cool and hip.

c. Man that cat was fighting 6 people and he beat them all. Yo, it was "off the hook", you should have seen it!!
It means that the cat fight was crazy that the cat beat 6 people. 

5. According to the author what is the"work" of childhood? Do you agree?

According to the author, "work" of childhood is play. I agree and disagree with this statement. Play is key to childhood. However, children also need to have an understanding of when it is time to be serious and complete work.

6. Why is NOT reading the instruction for how to play a game before playing a game a wise decision?

By not reading the instruction to how to play a game before playing a game allows the player to

7. Does knowing the general or literal meaning of a word lead to strong reading skills?

Knowing the general or literal meaning of a word does not lead to strong reading skills. Just because a child can define a word, it does not mean that they understand the phonics of the word.

8. What does the author mean by the terms "identity" and "game". Give an example of 3 "identities" or "games" you play?

When the author describes the terms "identity" and "game" he means that a person's identity are the different roles that the person plays and game are the surroundings that help the person maintain their identity. An example of my identities would be a student, a child care worker, and a girlfriend. 

9. According to the author what is good learning?

According to the author, good learning is learning through experiences or real world issues.

10. How does understanding that being able to build a mental model and simulations of a real-word experience is closely tied  to comprehending written and oral language support of change the way you think children should learn in school?

By allowing students to create models and simulations of real-world experiences we, as teachers, are giving the students the opportunities to take their learning experiences to a whole new level. Students in today's world need the hands-on experience to be able to relate and understand the concept that they are trying to learn.

11. Why is peer to peer interaction so important for the language development of young children? How does knowing this support or change the way you think children should learn in school?

Peer to peer interaction is very important for the language development of young children. In my clinical class, the students are encouraged to ask their peers for help on something if they don't quite understand. In my Business Computer Applications I class, if the students don't completely understand a specific topic that we are covering, it is sometimes easier for them if a peer explains it to them. In many instances, peers use language that is understandable to other students. By knowing that students sometimes learn best from other students supports the way I think children should learn in school because it allows the students to become educators as well. They sometimes need a peer to explain it to help understand.

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