Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Student Interviews

When I began interviewing the two students that I chose, I realized that they had more in common than I had realized. Both students were very involved in athletics. I was also shocked by some of the answers that the students gave for the questions. The struggling student showed me that he excels in almost every class that he has been in. However, he sometimes struggles in the class that I observe. He informed me that he is not a very good at typing on the computer and that is what they majority of the assignments within this class contain. I really enjoyed interviewing and getting to know these students a little better.

  • Do you enjoy school?
HP: I usually enjoy coming to school but, sometimes I'm tired and don't want to come.
SS: No. The teachers are too strict and assign too much homework.

  • What kind of student are you?
HP: I would say that I am a loyal and honest student.
SS: I am usually the class clown and I like to goof off during class. 

  • What do for fun outside of school?
HP: I usually hang out with my friends or play sports.
SS: After school, I go to practice or go to one of my friends' house to hang out. 

  • How would your classmates describe you?
HP: I think my classmates would describe me as being outgoing and fun to be around.
SS: My friends would probably describe me as being annoying. I never shut up and I get on their nerves.

  • What do you and your friends do together?
HP: Go to the movies, go shopping, or play sports.
SS: Play sports.

  • Tell me a good memory you have about school? 
HP: I don't have many good memories about school. Well, I guess when one of my teachers let us take our                  shoes off and relax one day would be a good memory.
SS: A good memory that I have had during school was when I got a 100% on an Algebra Test.

  • Tell me a bad memory you have about school?
HP: A bad memory that I have about school was when I was in middle school and I had a bottom locker. One              day I bent down to get something out of my locker and my jeans ripped. I was very embarrassed. Another              bad memory that I have is when I was taking the West Test and was sick and threw up all over the test.
SS: During my freshman year, I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. working on an extra credit assignment that my teacher          didn't even grade.

  • Describe a "good" teacher or tell me about a favorite teacher you had in the past.
HP: A good teacher to me would be a teacher who likes to joke around but, can also be serious when needed.
SS: I like teachers who have a sense of humor and like o have fun. I also like teachers who are organized and            have all of their work finished on time.

  • Would you consider your learning experience throughout high school as being motivational and engaging? If not, how could it be more engaging and exciting?
HP: No. I wish teachers would make their lessons more hands-on.
SS: Yes.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent interviews! How do they inform your understand of good teaching? How will you adjust your teaching practices based on these interviews?
